Donation Opportunities
Your donations are vital in keeping our dog park running smoothly. All contributions are tax deductible, as allowed by law. Donors will receive a written “thank you” receipt for their records.
Friends of Western Gateway Dog Park is a non-profit 501(c)3 California Corporation
(Federal ID #32-0227041).
• Donate any amount by check Make checks payable to Friends of Western Gateway Dog Park (FWGDP) and send it to P.O. Box 5, Penn Valley, CA 95946, or drop them in our mail box at the dog park. You can also pay by cash.
• Donate any amount by credit card or from PayPal Credit card payments can be made through our secure Paypal portal and you can designate the type of donation by writing in the comments section on the Paypal confirmation screen.
• Become an annual member of our dog park association for only $20/person or $25/family to show your ongoing financial support. Memberships are based on a calendar year from January 1st through December 31st. Renewals are at the same rate. Fliers are available at the dog park.
• Donate securities Avoid paying capital gains tax by transferring appreciated securities to Friends. You will also incur a tax deduction based on the value of the securities at the time of transfer. Contact your attorney for details.
• Donate property Your tax deduction will be based on the value of the property at the time of transfer, as determined by a professional real estate appraisal. Contact your attorney for details.
• Donate life insurance If you own a life insurance policy that is no longer needed, consider donating it to us. U.S. Tax laws generally allow unlimited amounts to be left for charitable purposes without being subject to estate or gift tax. Contact your life insurance agent for details.
• Donate from your IRA If you are at least 70 1⁄2 , you can give qualified charities up to $100,000 directly from your IRA without triggering federal income taxes. The gift will also satisfy the rules for required minimum distribution for the year. Contact your tax advisor for details.
• Make a bequest You can make a bequest by including Friends in your will or estate plan. Sample language for a bequest is as follows:
I give $______or______% of my estate to Friends of Western Gateway Dog Park, a non-profit 501(c)3 California corporation (Federal ID #32-0227041) located in Penn Valley, California, for continuing support of the dog park.
(The benefits of making a bequest are: tax savings on your federal estate taxes, the flexibility to change your bequest whenever you choose, and the ability to leave a legacy to help conserve the dog park for future generations. Contact your attorney for details.)